Monthly Archives: December 2015

And it was going so nicely, too…


I haven’t written for awhile because, well because I didn’t have much to say.  Things have been going along nicely, for a change.  A few little bumps now and again, but nothing to light my fuse.  Until now.

Here’s a little background, I work for the State of Colorado through a program called Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP).  Several months ago, I was asked to write a one page article on how SCSEP had been a benefit to me.  So I did, and sent it in.  On Friday, I got an email saying The Colorado Department of Labor would like permission to publish my article.  Well, of course.  So, I gave my boss my phone number and email and said tell them yes.  Next thing I know, I’m talking to the assistant to the director of marketing.  Well!  She wanted to give my phone number and email to her boss.  The Reader’s Digest version is that they want me to do a follow up on my story, they want to contact the papers around here AND they will help me get a few grants so I can finish training to become a Certified Genealogist.  Cool, right?

Evidently not.  I have got nothing but crap about doing this, from my family, since I mentioned it.  New rule #1 – Don’t tell Mom what I’m doing cause she gets all upset that I’m being “…scammed, or phished or any of those other horrible things that happen to people all the time, especially now. Don’t give them any of your financial information.  Or Social Security Number.  They’ll steal your identity.”  It’s the Department of Labor.  They probably already have that information.  And it’s just a picture and an article.  Besides, if any body wants to steal my stuff, go ahead.  It won’t help you in any way.  Being me is not a financial windfall, more like a money pit.  I’m not worried.

So here’s my question – Why is it so hard for my own family to say good job or congratulations, or well done, or anything other than, “You’re not going to do that, are you?”  Now, please understand this, I love my Mom.  I really do, but I have had to deal with this sort of thing my WHOLE life. ‘ I shouldn’t get too attached to that job, it probably won’t last or be what you think its going to be.  You’re going out with him, again?  Are you sure that’s a good idea?  Of course I think you’re pretty, but your my daughter, of course I think you’re pretty.  Why are you spending money right now?  You won’t have enough to pay your rent if you buy that (whatever it is I was thinking about buying).’

I don’t think there are answers to this conundrum.  It’s my personal cross to bear.  I know she thinks she’s helping.  She isn’t though.  Rant over.